The Reason I Do, What I Do: Thoughts from a concert photographer.

On February 3, 2018 at the Convictions show at The Ritz (Hot Rocks Bar) this amazing little girl and her mom approached the table that I was sitting at with a couple members from the band Collections. She was very shy and nervous to speak to them, so being the outgoing person I am, decided to introduce myself. Her face lit up. I began talking about how when I was her age I was always super nervous to meet bands too. She began to feel a tad bit more comfortable, then asked me for my autograph. I was beyond flattered, the fact that she admires my work and I am able to be a role model to her is truly amazing. Throughout the sets she was front row taking photos on her moms’ cell phone. From my observation she was having the time of her life. It was a nostalgic feeling for me, almost like a flashback to my past. After I had felt I had a sufficient amount of coverage of the band, I walked over and put my camera strap around her head and let her take over. From there she was the Rockstar photographer, moving from stage left to stage right she recorded a full song worth of video. Later on in the evening she re-approached me again and said she wants to be a concert photographer when she grows up. All in all this is the reason I do what I do. Looks like we have a new Motorcity Metal photographer on board.

Here is the footage she shot:

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